
Engage your Twitter community with a ReTweet (RT) contest!


    1. How does Battle of the Tweets work?

    2. How do I set up my Twitter game?

    3. How are winners selected?

    4. How do visitors vote for their favorite tweets?

    5. How do I moderate user submissions during my contest?

    6. How do I notify winners of my contest?

    7. How do I obtain the list of votes for each user submission?

    8. What happens when the contest is over?

    9. What are the benefits of the Twitter game?

    10. Did you say "multichannel"?

    11. Does recurring mode work with this game?

    12. Don’t forget about copyright

1. How does Battle of the Tweets work?

twitter application concours retweet

Entrants must tweet a message containing a "key" hashtag defined by you when you create your game.

Find out if this game is right for your needs using the promotion comparison tool

2. How do I set up my Twitter game?

During the game Setup phase, you’ll have a number of fields to choose from to customize your game:

configuration jeu twitter
      • Twitter username field

        This field is for your company’s Twitter handle, which is usually preceded by an @ sign. Be sure to enter your brand’s handle without the @ in this field.

      • "Key" hashtag field

        Hashtags are used on Twitter to highlight keywords or specific topics in a tweet. For purposes of your Twitter game, the hashtag you insert here will appear in all tweets submitted by entrants.

      • Tweet content field

        In this field you draft the default tweet content that will appear when users participate. Users can modify this content to tweet their own message.

      • Mandatory follow checkbox

        You can require that users follow your Twitter account before they can access the game’s entry form.

3. How are winners selected?

This, too, is up to you. It can be a public vote, a jury vote, or both.

Twitter promotion

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      • Selection by public vote: Users retweet their favorite tweets. To RT, they have to log in to Twitter.
      • Selection by jury vote: A jury you select decides who will win your contest.
      • Selection by both public and jury vote: You can also choose a finalist pool based on user RTs and then allow your jury to select the winners from that pool. This option is not supported by the platform, but all you have to do is choose the public vote option and then choose the winners from among the most popular tweets. If you decide to do this, you should explain it in your game rules.

4. How do visitors vote for their favorite tweets?

Users vote for their favorite tweets by either going to the contest gallery and retweeting their favorites using a button under each user submission, or by directly retweeting from their Twitter timelines.

5. How do I moderate submissions during my contest?

You can approve a submission before it appears in the gallery or afterwards.

Concours twitter application


To moderate user submissions to your promotion, you simply have to click the "Moderation" button in the overview of your promotion.

bouton moderation

When an undesirable user submission appears in the gallery, you can just access the moderation area for your promotion to remove it. User submissions can be found under different tabs:

      • Online: If you opted to moderate submissions after they are published, you have no way to verify that a submission is acceptable before it is published. You should, therefore, refuse online submissions that do not adhere to the promotion rules.
      • Queued: This tab is for promotions with moderation before publication, and it contains submissions that have not yet been approved by the promotion organizer.
      • Flagged: These are tweets that other users have flagged for not adhering to the promotion’s rules, or for other reasons. Any submissions you do not see under the online tab, but which are in the gallery, will logically be under this tab.
      • Censored: All submissions that you have refused for this promotion.

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6. How do I notify winners of my contest?

When your promotion ends, you can pick the winners.


After your promotion, all you have to do is click "Winners and Participants" in the overview of your promotion. This takes you to a page displaying all validated submissions for your promotion organized in order of the number of RTs they received (if a public vote contest). Choose the winning entrants with a simple click, then switch to the "Winners" tab. Here you’ll find the winning entrants. Just choose the prize from the menu at the right and drag the winning entrant to it.

7. How do I obtain the list of votes for each user submission?

For the moment, no data is available on users who RTd your entrants’ submissions.

8. What happens when the contest is over?

When the promotion ends, that is when the end date has passed, users can no longer submit tweets. Similarly, RTs are no longer counted. However, you can leave the promotion visible on your Facebook page or website so that the gallery can be visited.

9. What are the benefits of the Twitter game?

      • Recruiting new Twitter followers.
      • Animating the existing community and increasing their engagement level.
      • Viralizing your activities through the email share option and the "vote by RT" system.
      • Building a database of qualified leads that you can export at any time.

10. Did you say "multichannel"?

Your promotion is 100% compatible with smartphones and tablets (Android, iPhone and iPad). You can embed your promotion on your Facebook page or any other website because it is built with HTML5 and CSS3.


11. Does recurring mode work with this game?

You cannot currently break this promotion up into different periods. However, if you want to choose one winner per week, for example, you can easily do that by downloading your entrant database.

12. Don’t forget about copyright

Just a reminder that you are responsible for the content that you publish or communicate through the Kontest platform. You agree to publish or communicate only content that is compliant with existing laws and regulations. For more information, please read our article on Copyright.

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